Care Instructions


Each piece is handmade and one of a kind. You might find small imperfections, which are part of their handmade charm.

Not microwave or dishwasher safe. For all of my ceramic work I recommend hand washing after each use, as this is the most gentle way to clean and keep your handmade ceramics looking brand new.

Pieces with 24k gold details

This piece is not microwave or dishwasher safe due to 24k gold details. Gently hand-wash after use and your ceramic piece will last you a lifetime :)

Cloud girl watering bells

This piece is not microwave or dishwasher safe. After use, gently shake your watering bell to get any excess water out. Wipe dry with a soft cloth.

Ceramic pins

In case your pin gets dirty, simply clean with dish soap. For harder to remove stains on unglazed areas, some baking soda can be used.


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